Your house may be the biggest investment you ever make. It only makes sense to learn how to look for potential problems before they become big ones. There are several things you can inspect on a routine basis to ensure you don’t encounter costly plumbing problems. If you uncover anything during your inspection, it might be a good idea to call a plumber in Glenview, IL.
Look Around, Floor to Ceiling
This visual inspection is most important. Making sure to look in all bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry room, and start at the floor near any water sources. Feel for any dampness and look for actual puddles or drips on the floor. Check inside vanities and cabinets for wetness on the pipes, and you can even take a sniff and see if it smells musty. Look at the walls and ceilings adjacent to or below any rooms with water sources for signs of water stains, which may indicate a leak.
Check connections
After your visual inspection, it’s time to check the plumbing connections. Make sure all valves are working properly and can be turned off and on in case of a plumbing emergency. While turning the valves, watch for any leaks here as well. Look for any corrosion on the valves and fittings. Take a few minutes to listen and watch for drips in the sinks and toilets.
Basement or crawl space
Time to take the inspection down low. If you have a sub level, be sure to include this in your inspection. Make sure all drains are clear and check the ground for signs of water from overhead pipes. If your water heater is down here, take the time to check the fittings and valves on it as well.
You can see, there are several proactive steps you can take to help ensure you don’t have a plumbing emergency. Keep these steps in mind to stay ahead of any plumbing problems.